August 7, 2012

Before we knew he was a William..... much for my plan to get caught up on Will's life in my belly before he arrived! He showed up 3.5 weeks early and the blog wasn't the only thing that wasn't ready!  I've been putting life and sleep ahead of this but really want to do a major catch up before I forget everything!

So the big laugh is that it took us forever to tell everyone we were pregnant....but to be honest it took us a bit to figure out that we were! June was a crazy month with David having work trips, me going to Rhode Island for a conference, VBS, beach trip with my parents/Meg, teaching online classes and on my spare days helping with advising. July started off busy with David and I co-directing OMP at our home church for the first time ever. So the summer was flying by and there wasn't much "down time". OMP ended and after 1.5 weeks of 5-6 hours of sleep a night, I was exhausted!  It didn't help getting a stomach bug the Monday after OMP and having to work all week doing advising! I was super tired but I kept chalking it up to such a busy summer and never having a chance to catch up on sleep.  The last week in July I had a "free" week and I slept and rested quite a bit. So early August came and I was a bit surprised that I was still feeling so sleepy. I figured it was just because the school year was upon me and it's just a busy time. Then the nausea was at that point I started thinking about when I had my last period and realized it hadn't been since late June. At that point I knew. I took a test, it said positive, I took several more and they all confirmed it. I thought about doing some cutesy thing as a way to tell David but if you know me, you know I like to think and find creative ideas...and then get someone else to actually make/create/do...ha! :) So I resorted to showing him the test. He was super excited and we had our first appointment scheduled for August 29th. We couldn't wait! We were a little surprised we were pregant (our original "plan" was to be due after David finished his MBA) but when does anything go according to " our plan"! :)

 Thank goodness I was pregnant because I look ROUGH in this picture and choose to blame it on the sleepiness and nausea!!!! :)

Before our appointment there were three things I was sort of nervous about. The first being I had just ordered and received my bridesmaids dress for Jana's wedding. Luckily the wedding was in November but I had no idea how big I'd be by then and was hoping I could squeeze into the dress. Next was Jana's bachelorette party. I was pretty sure I had could go and not make anyone suspicious. I'm not a big drinker and so I figured it'd be fine. David, however, was a nervous wreck. He thought for sure people would notice. JMay even stayed with us that weekend and didn't suspect anything. Luckily the nausea seemed to lessen a little that weekend which helped! The third was our first appointment. We didn't really know what to expect and were excited, nervous, etc. I think the starting of school helped keep me preoccupied a bit which was good. I was just hoping I wouldn't throw up in class...ha! :)

January 2, 2012

Blog Title and Design

Since I'm doing this more to remember our life, I thought I better write down why I chose the design and name (in case in all the lack of sleep for the next several years, I completely forget)! Besides a time in my younger elementary years, I have never been super into the color pink. It was Grandma Kat's favorite color and mine for a bit but I never had to have the pink room or the all-pink clothing or anything like that. However, when looking through all the design choices this one kind of stuck out. I thought it was weird since I'm not really a "pink" person. However, I think maybe it's a little Grandma Kat coming out in me thinking that since I have a husband, two male dogs and a little baby boy on the way (she had a husband and three boys) that I might need a little "pink" in my least at this point anyway! :)

My title of "This is the Stuff" is from Francesca Battistelli's song. It seems that whenever I think I'm having a "bad" day....running late, behind a school bus, crazy people at work, etc.......I hear this song and it puts life in perspective! I love the line "In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I'm blessed." So true that my bad days really aren't that bad and I need to remember my blessings each day! This is my hope for the coming year!