January 2, 2012

Blog Title and Design

Since I'm doing this more to remember our life, I thought I better write down why I chose the design and name (in case in all the lack of sleep for the next several years, I completely forget)! Besides a time in my younger elementary years, I have never been super into the color pink. It was Grandma Kat's favorite color and mine for a bit but I never had to have the pink room or the all-pink clothing or anything like that. However, when looking through all the design choices this one kind of stuck out. I thought it was weird since I'm not really a "pink" person. However, I think maybe it's a little Grandma Kat coming out in me thinking that since I have a husband, two male dogs and a little baby boy on the way (she had a husband and three boys) that I might need a little "pink" in my life...at least at this point anyway! :)

My title of "This is the Stuff" is from Francesca Battistelli's song. It seems that whenever I think I'm having a "bad" day....running late, behind a school bus, crazy people at work, etc.......I hear this song and it puts life in perspective! I love the line "In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I'm blessed." So true that my bad days really aren't that bad and I need to remember my blessings each day! This is my hope for the coming year! 

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