January 2, 2013

Big Ultrasound

October 24, 2011 was the big ultrasound day!  We were excited and nervous....see a pattern here? :)  We were excited to find out if we'd have a boy or girl but we were more anxious to make sure everything was good with the health of the baby.  We got there early and they got us right back. The ultrasound tech was so friendly and explained everything that she was doing even when we didn't  see everything she did. :) She'd say "Here you can see the kidneys"....me thinking---"ummm...nope not even sure what a kidney actually looks like and what you're pointing to seems like a black blob but okay!" We did see the heart beat and were able to locate the heart so we were proud of that at least!

UAMS is the state's high-risk pregnancy center and so they routinely do very detailed ultrasounds. They informed us that they do all ultrasounds that way and so it was very detailed and took quite some time but we felt good that they were looking at everything to make sure our little one was healthy! They measured the different bones, organs, brain, etc. and made sure they got good pictures. Little man was being stubborn (another early sign of his little personality...haha) and so she had a hard time getting him to move around so she could look at everything. She'd dig the wand into me and he'd move for a second and then he'd go back to his original position. She got everything but a few angles of the heart that she couldn't get. She told us Dr. Wendel would look at it and if he felt he needed to see more they would schedule us for another ultrasound. **He ended up seeing everything he needed to and felt completely comfortable with little man's heart which was a relief!

Next up was time for us to see if we were having a little he or a little she. She asked if we had a preference and we really didn't. We were just so happy that our baby looked healthy and we really hadn't had a feeling either way throughout the pregnancy.  So once again our little man was being stubborn. He was squatting down like a little frog and wouldn't move. Finally after moving around to get him moving, he did a little hop and she was able to see his little man part. It was so fast that she couldn't capture it on film but we all saw it. We were excited but we spent the next few minutes trying to get a shot so that we could really "document" that this was a boy.  We got the documentation and there was no doubt we were having a BOY!  She switched over to 3D to get us some photos of his little face. He was covering most of his face with his hand but we did get a little look! We also got some great little video of him moving around. This appointment definitely made everything more real. He looked like a baby and moved like a baby and now we knew his name!

Next we met with our doctor and she said everything looked great! He was measuring about a week ahead but we were still keeping our due date and she said she'd call us if Dr. Wendel had any concerns with the ultrasound. So next we had to do a big round of blood work. This wasn't something I was really looking forward to but I guess no one really gets excited about it..ha!  However, I am a difficult blood draw because my veins are abnormally thin...awesome fact! I was actually not worried at first because UAMS' lab has been able to get it the first time for all my previous appointments (which was amazing and made me so happy) but as soon as I heard the nurse say the lab was unexpectedly closed that day, I knew it wasn't going to be pretty.  Originally I just told them I'd come back but they hated to have to me do that and so they were going to have a nurse do it. Well they needed a lot of blood and so 1 hour and 3 nurses later we finally had enough for everything they needed. Who knew the blood draw would be the longest part!

After we left, we called our parents to let them know! Everyone was excited! We stopped to have lunch and buy a little boy outfit. Now it was time for the planning to begin!
I know these scanned pics look horrible but I'm doing good just to get them posted! At a later date maybe I'll make them look pretty! :)

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