January 2, 2013

When would we tell....

Again the big gasp from our pregnancy was how long we took to tell everyone...including our family! Darlene had said not to tell her until we were pretty close to telling everyone (so she wouldn't have to try to keep it a secret so long) and we wanted to tell our parents around the same time. We had planned to do it around a time we could go to Fayetteville to tell my parents/sister in person. However, September was a crazy month schedule wise. Daniel and Lauren had several wedding showers, David had hunting trips and I had a 5K for Open Arms and so it just didn't seem like there was a weekend to get there and give the news! I finally told David I thought we would have to do it by phone or Skype or something but he was determined that we would do it in person and so that meant waiting a few more weeks. Luckily it was my first pregnancy and so I wasn't showing too much, although I felt HUGE! Everything was getting a wee bit snug for sure.

It was finally our annual Pumpkin Patch weekend in Fayetteville and so we knew it was time to finally tell. I found these cute little frames at Hallmark and we put in a picture of the ultrasound.  We told my family Saturday morning before headed to the pumpkin patch. We had wrapped the frame and gave it to my mom to open. She immediately knew but was surprised and thought my dad and Meg already knew. Dad was confused and thought it was a picture of my ultrasound I'd given to mom (not possible since they didn't have ultrasound pics of me from then). Once everyone figured out what was going on, they were super excited!  When we got back in town on Sunday, we went over to David's parents and gave them their present. They caught on a little quicker and the screaming and celebrating began. We then told Daniel, Lauren and Paw Paw and then it was time to tell friends. It happened to fall in a crazy week when I was in Hot Springs for AECA and I just didn't have time to call each person in between sessions and volunteering at registration. So I made some personalized notes for each person, took a picture of the note and sent it in a text. Not the most personal way to tell but it worked for us and everyone was excited! 

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