January 2, 2013

November/December Appointments

Our next appointment was November 21, 2012 and it was super short. Dr. P told us this would be a quick check of heartbeat and size. He was still measuring about a week ahead and his heart rate was still around 150.  Everything was moving along!  In December my appointment was on the 19th. I was 27 weeks. This was the blood glucose test. I was a little nervous about how that would go but the drink was way better than I had imagined and I got good news that I passed which was great! This was also the month of my biggest weight gain jump but I had kind of figured that Thanksgiving/Christmas wasn't going to be good as far as the scales were concerned.  I had started having some Braxton Hicks type contractions and some major hip pain that made a good night of sleep pretty impossible but other than that, I was doing great! Luckily my wave of energy lasted through Christmas Break so I was able to get some stuff done around the house. 

Originally my plan was to document the pregnancy by taking a picture every week and journal what was happening that week but that didn't happen! I did manage to take quite a few weekly pics but never posted them or wrote about them and didn't keep up with what week was what. So here are the pics I did take. Most parents do all this detailed stuff for kid #1 and then can't keep up with it for kid #2, #3, etc....I'll be the opposite. I had all these plans that didn't happen and so maybe I'll do that the second time around.  :)

Those last 3 were from January. I pretty much ballooned between December and January....Christmas goodies and being home from work probably didn't help much!  Just for my memory, I gained 26 lbs during this pregnancy. However, Will was 4 weeks early and so it could've been much more if I'd be given the full 40 weeks! :)

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