January 2, 2013

First Appointment

Wow...so so behind! Hoping to get caught up this week. I thought if I put it on my Christmas cards it would force me to get caught up before they went out....but no...that didn't happen! 

Our first baby appointment was August 29th at 10:00am with Dr. P.  We were excited and nervous!  She came in and did an ultrasound and we were able to see the heartbeat and the little baby moving around. It was crazy to think he has was so active in there and that I couldn't feel any of it! She commented right then how active he was and it has proven to be a good predictor of his little personality!

The heartbeat was good! We were told our due date was March 21, 2012! A spring break baby...perfect for my schedule! I should've known then that was probably too good to be true! :) Later on we would find out that our little man is not a very patient little guy. :)

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